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“Psycho0 x OP” Tip Cutting [EXACT]

“Psycho0 x OP” Tip Cutting [EXACT]

Trichocereus hybrid. The mother was Psycho0 (T. bridgesii), pollen donor unknown hence the designation ‘OP’ (‘Open Pollinated). Probably crossed with pachanoi based on visual cues, although it may have been a peruvianus. This is almost certainly not a pure bridgesii. Size is approximately 9”. A small spot of sunburn is visible as well as some other minor blemishes. Please take a close look.

[From The Trichocereus Origin & History Forums]

“I named it [Psycho0] after Aaron, a friend of mine on the sab corroboree forum who passed away-his forum name was Psycho0, with the backing of the forum. As there was a lot of this cultivar going around and I felt it needed a clone name. Pretty sure it came from cactus country, Damian ward could confirm. So many moons ago. My row of Psycho0 is almost 7 meters high”

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